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Closed for expansion and renovations
Simone Doesburg Grace of Glaze x Kleureyck f Filip Dujardin

Grace of Glaze x Kleureyck 2019

Simone Doesburg NL


gecreƫerd voor Kleureyck

Ceramicists generally use either coloured porcelain, or coloured glaze. For Grace of Glaze, Simone Doesburg explored how you can combine the two to create new, more vivid hues. For this configuration, she used three colours of porcelain and 25 colours of glaze. Her way of working references Van Eyck. He created his deep, rich colours by building up layers of semi-translucent paint. In addition to the colour grid, you can see porcelain objects that were inspired by the vibrant red and green and the understated blue of the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb.