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Closed for expansion and renovations

Vantablack 2019

Anish Kapoor GB/IN

The Art Angle Podcast: Anish Kapoor on ‘Radical’ Art, China, and the Magic Paint Wars (fragment 12:36 - 20:24)

Source: Artnet News. Interviewer: Andrew Goldstein. Producers: Tim Schneider, Caroline Goldstein. Editor: Nick Long. Met dank aan Annie Wang. Special thanks to Annie Wang.

Vantablack is the blackest black in existence: it absorbs 99.96 per cent of all light. With Vantablack, objects become so dark that you know longer recognize any shape or texture: you can’t even see whether they are two- or three-dimensional. Anish Kapoor’s studio acquired the exclusive right of use for a sprayable Vantablack paint. This provoked indignant responses from other artists. Kapoor addresses the controversy in this podcast.