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Closed for expansion and renovations
23.03 Flag icon


Millions of Ukrainians have been driven from their homes by war. The intimate relationship with their native land was abruptly broken. What does that relationship consist of? What defines a homeland? With these fundamental questions, the exhibition Home(Land) not only zooms in on the war in Ukraine, but also on underlying themes such as: how important are traditions and heritage? What happens when war takes away this physical and tangible connection to a place and its people? And can design act as a binding agent?

The pop-up exhibition Home(Land) shows Ukrainian stories using bio-based materials, and explores the connection between crafts and innovation. Several Ukrainian and Dutch designers studied old and new Ukrainian customs and rituals and (re)discovered authentic local crafts and techniques. With this exhibition, we are temporarily back ‘home’ in the museum, in between two phases of renovation and expansion works. We present Home(Land) in Hotel De Coninck, the old city palace on Jan Breydelstraat.

Opening hours
Admission fee
free contribution for the Ukrainian charities under the King Baudouin Foundation

Home(Land) is a project by Dasha Tsapenko, Marjo Van Schaik, Fulco Treffers, Nazar Gresko and Olena Oranska.

Sponsors: BDO, Dutch Design Foundation, Embassy of Ukraine in The Netherlands, Dutch Embassy in Ukraine, Metalooms, Rotary, Creative Industries Fund NL, The New Block, Utrecht University, Donations through Voordekunst Crowdfunding including Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds