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Closed for expansion and renovations
Drabstraat 10 Design Museum Gent Photo Michiel De Cleene

The five design teams for the new wing are known!

The Ghent City Architect has announced the five design teams that are in the running to execute the new wing. For each assignment, the design teams will now compete against each other with a detailed design proposal.

The selected design teams:
• Alan Baxter Ltd, Assemble Studio, Czvek Rigby
• aNNo architects, FELT architecture & design, MONADNOC
• BEL Architecten bvba in cooperation with inside / outside Petra Blaise
• Carmody Groarke, RE-ST, Trans architecture I urbanism
• Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen in collaboration with Richard Venlet (BE) (artist / scenographer), Muller van Severen (BE) designers and Manièra (Interior / furniture)